
Showing posts from June, 2017

Happy National Pollinator Week From Bethpage State Park

Monarch butterfly and honey bee enjoying blooming, native plants in our picnic area pollinator garden.             Did you know that this year, June 19-25 th is National Pollinator Week?   In fact, the U.S Department of Agriculture has announced this weeklong event every year since 2007 to promote greater protection for pollinators and build awareness for the ecosystem services they provide. The true definition of a pollinator is any organism who visits the same flower species, transferring pollen as they feed and assisting plant fertilization as a result. These animals include insects (such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles etc.), birds and bats. The assistance that these species provide not only ensures the next generation of plants for parks and backyard gardensā€¦ the overall pollination process creates a healthy habitat for wildlife, clean air for us to breathe and crops to eat. However, in recent years, the number of pollinators and the pl...

Picnic Pollinator Garden Information
