Bethpage State Park Hosts a First Green!
With the start of a brand new school year, Bethpage State Park decided to do something extra special for Central Boulevard Elementary... that is, host a STEM day field trip! For those that might not know the abbreviation, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics . This refers to a c urriculum that focuses on these four disciplines collectively, instead of separately-- and what b etter way to explore real world examples of STEM than by visiting a living, breathing golf course habitat ? Luckily for us, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) provides multiple STEM lesson plans and resources as part of their First Green program ( ). GCSAA's site makes it super easy for golf course superintendents and staff to pick and chose the kind of activities that work best for their course. Through this First Green program, we were able to turn our Green Course into a creative...