Birds in the Winter: Do They Stay or Do They Go?

A Tufted Titmouse weathers a snowstorm. Cardinals stay. Egrets leave. Robins nestle in holly bushes...while the movement of geese in a "V" formation, honking southward through the sky, is an image most people recognize as signs of winter! All the d iffering bird behaviors and migratory flyways...but have you ever wondered why? Specifically, what makes certain bird species stay? What makes certain bird species go? The simplest answer is that some birds lack the resources and coping mechanisms to withstand harsh seasons. Majority of birds are diurnal, but limited hours of sunlight does not allow for as much activity. Winter Changes That Push Some Species to Migrate: Harsher temperatures Shortened days Limited roosting availability Scarce water and food sources A frozen pond means limited food for insectivorous birds. Depending on the bird, it could be one of these factors or a combination of all of the above!...