Bethpage State Park is Thankful For Girl Scout Troop #3632!

Upon their latest visit in October, Girl Scout Troop #3632 had one mission in mind; to leave our park better than how they found it! With the wonderful help of Troop Mom Melissa, I was able to organize and host a Girl Scout Litter Clean Up Day in the picnic/playground area of our park! The event for the day started of with a small discussion of handling trash safely. We wanted to make sure that The Scouts were not picking up anything hazardous and also not wandering into areas where they could come into contact with poison ivy. Troop #3632 is always prepared though and had high boots and long pants on for the task! Once ready, scouts paired off into twos or threes and spread out! Each girl was given a bucket, gloves and a garbage picker. Additionally, I handed out a Litter Collection Sheet. I created it special for this event. This handout served as an audit, where the girls could tally off what kind of objects they were collecting of the ground. Listed were about 20 differ...