How Do Insects Cope With The Cold at Bethpage State Park!? Here is Insect Survival Tactics 101 - Winter Edition!

Between whiteout conditions and flurries this month, the courses remain frozen and Bethpage State Park feels a little less active this time of year. This is not just because of the lack of golf-playing; I'm actually referring to the wildlife too! While many of you know that some birds migrate South and mammals hibernate...have you ever wondered what insects are up to during the winter season? Where do they go? What do they do? How in the world do they survive frigid cold temperatures? Well, to make this answer even more mysterious and complex, insects are considered the most diverse group of animals on Earth. Whether it is their unique adaptions or how they utilize resources, each species behaves in their own way and their means for survival varies! However, o ne thing that ALL insects have in common is the fact that that they are cold-blooded. Not in the literal sense, but more so that their internal temperature is in accordance with the tempera...