Butterfly Release Party at Bethpage State Park!
Last month, Mrs. Wright, a local elementary school teacher, contacted me asking if Bethpage State Park was a suitable location for Painted Lady butterflies. Without hesitation, I replied "IT SURE IS!" One area I made sure to mention was our massive, public pollinator garden. Extending along the entire length of our picnic area, this habitat was created by staff and volunteers with the sole purpose of providing forage and shelter for pollinators! Of these species we aim to protect, is of course, the native Painted Lady butterfly.
I guess this had been the answer Mrs. Wright was hoping for because just like that, we began organizing a field trip for eighty students (with a specific mission in mind). Up until now, students had been rearing Painted Lady Butterflies in their classrooms. Having just witnessed the emergence from the pupal stage, these new butterflies needed to be set free in a natural environment. What better location than at Bethpage State Park?
The day of, students arrived eager to learn and excited to spend the day outside! Before the butterfly release, Andrew Wilson, our golf course superintendent, discussed why pollinator conservation is at the heart of our environmental initiatives (especially being that we are both a state park and an integral player in the golf course community).
I (as the park ecologist) then taught students all about the history of our pollinator garden and some of the native flower varieties that would feed the friends they'd be releasing. We also discussed their favorite pollinators and the important roles these insects play in our park's complex ecosystem.

We ended our lesson off with a little Q & A ....
...and then the RELEASE PARTY BEGAN!
Students and staff made sure to get extra close to the pollinator garden so that the butterflies would not have to first travel to find food after we opened the mesh enclosures.
Students watched as some of butterflies flew out all on their own, while other butterflies needed a helping hand. As you can see, some of the Painted Ladies had a hard time saying goodbye to their loving caretakers!
After all the butterflies were set free, I wanted to give the students a tour of their friends' new home. This included walking all along the garden as well as the nearby Children's Walk trail. This trail is an area that provides great shade and early-bloom butterfly forage options also.
Overall, this was a fun educational experience, especially for our staff here at Bethpage State Park! We are so grateful that Mrs. Wright chose this location to be her butterfly release site! These types of events, breathe new life into our conservation efforts, especially when it involves the cooperation and participation of the young, local community! Thank you Central Boulevard Elementary School for your butterflies and we hope you come visit our pollinator garden again, now that school is out!
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