Girl Scouts Achieve Their Bronze Badge Helping Bethpage State Park's Bluebirds
While bluebirds typically nest in tree cavities, this species is also known to use artificial homes when resources are scarce and intraspecific competition is high. Over the years, climate change and habitat loss have also contributed to the need for more resources. Although artificial homes have been known to be successful, not all nest boxes will work; durability, placement and the dimensions of the box have to be just right to be utilized by Eastern Bluebirds!
With that in mind, I provided recommendations. First, I suggested The Troop use cedar wood, a hardwearing material that will ensure their homes last many seasons in the elements. Another key feature is that the boxes need a 1.5" entrance hole; this opening is sized precisely to the body of the Eastern Bluebird and deters other larger, destructive birds from entering and damaging the box (such as woodpeckers). A third suggestion was including a swivel side door. This feature would allow for easy monitoring (without disturbing the nesting birds) but also hassle-free cleaning at the end of the season.
In total, the Girl Scouts were able to generously construct 9 beautiful nest boxes! I installed them near a massive pollintor garden and open field in our Picnic Area. This location is prime habitat for adult Bluebirds, allowing them to hunt insects and berries to be brought back to their growing young.
Overall, this event was a memorable way to conclude an important community ecological effort. A big thank you from Bethpage State Park to Troop #3632! Your immense dedication to increase habitat and spread awareness will aid the next generation of Bluebirds at our park.
Fantastic work !!
Our Park looks forward to collaborate on future projects together and having you visit again soon.
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Post photography and writing by Yael Weiss.
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